SNSD Sunny Instagram Pictures Updates: 'Solving jigsaw puzzle with Prince'


SNSD Sunny Instagram Pictures Updates: 'Solving jigsaw puzzle with Prince'

The caption of the photo:
원래올리려던사진�� Solving jigsaw puzzle with Prince! #sundaddy

The picture I was going to upload originally. Solving jigsaw puzzle with Prince! #sundaddy

The caption of the photo:
거실에서퍼즐맞추는데프린스가내다리위에자리잡고엎드려서자요...나스케줄나가봐야되는데..너무너무나가기가싫어요..내가요것들을두고어딜간데요~~�� #Sundaddy

I was solving a puzzle in the living room but Prince found a place on my leg, laid down and is sleeping... I have to go out for my schedule though.. I really really don't feel like going out.. Where am I going after leaving these behind~~ #Sundaddy


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