Hit by severe snowstorm, SNSD Yoona Cancel Filming Ads in Jeju


South Korea hit by severe snowstorm last weekend. The snowstorm made flight schedules in Jeju closed. closing flight schedule also resulted Yoona of Girls' Generation. She had to cancel the filming schedule in Jeju.

Yonhap News reported that the Jeju airport would be closed for two days because of bad weather and reopened on Monday (1/25). Yoona while filming was scheduled to undergo cosmetic ads in Jeju on Sunday (24/1) but Yoona scheduled for filming the cosmetics ads in Jeju on Sunday (1/24).

"Flight schedules was canceled because of the severe snow," said a representative of SM Entertainment. "We got a notice that the filming would be postponed." 

Not only in Jeju, Seoul was also feel the temperature decrease to minus 18 degrees. The cold weather also swept across Asia, from India to Japan with temperatures reaching historic lows. Even in China was recorded minus 41 degrees, the worst temperature since 1961, and in Taiwan already killed 85 peoples.


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